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Malfy Premium Flavoured Gin Bundle Arancia Gin, Limone & Rosa Gin 3 X 700ML

Availability: In stock
Total GST Savings: A$15.00

This store is open everyday for all departing and arriving flights.

Order must be placed at least 24h before pickup and no earlier than 30 days before your flight. This store is open 24/7.
Departures – Pick up from Lotte Duty Free, Level 3, International Departures, after Security.​

Arrivals – Pick up from Lotte Duty Free, Level 2, International Arrivals
MALFY ARANCIA GIN- key botanical additions are blood orange peels sourced from Sicily. These are steeped in the alcohol and then pressed in a basket press. The infusion is then blended with juniper and other botanical before being distilled in a stainless steel vacuum still MALFY LIMONE GIN- Malfy Gin Con Limone is a delightfully zesty gin, distilled in Italy with some of the finest botanicals, including handpicked juniper, Italian sun-ripened lemons, and Amalfi lemon peel MALFY ROSA GIN- A flavored gin distilled from Juniper, Coriander, Italian Pink Grapefruit, and 4 other botanicals
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